
Modern Studies


Curriculum Leader: Mr McCreath

Course Description

Learning Modern Studies helps to create and develop informed, active citizens who are able to compare their world with other societies and cultures. The study of Modern Studies aims to provide pupils with an awareness of the social and political issues on a national and international scale. It is an exciting and fast-moving subject and a variety of topics are studied as part of the Curriculum for Excellence ‘People in Society’. Students will become effective and responsible contributors to a democratic society by developing an understanding of current affairs including politics, the media and social and international issues.

Students will develop their literacy and numeracy skills and will also improve their digital literacy and debating skills. They will become proficient at applying skills of analysis and evaluation and the topics we study will broaden their understanding of political, social and economic issues in the UK and overseas. We will learn how to gather accurate information in Modern Studies and will examine bias, exaggeration and enquiry skills.

The topics studied are –


In this topic we will learn about the US political system, political rights of citizens, social issues such as gun crime and inequalities in the criminal justice system, education and healthcare. This will culminate in the completion of a research project on a social issue of your choice.

Crime and the Law

In this topic we will learn about the causes and consequences of crime and the criminal justice system in Scotland. We will study the ways that government and police are trying to tackle crime and the effectiveness of prisons and alternative to prison.

Possible Careers

  • Broadcast journalist

  • Careers adviser

  • Civil Service officer

  • Criminal intelligence analyst

  • Diplomatic service officer

  • Economic development officer

  • Forensic computer analyst

  • Library assistant

  • Local Government officer

  • Magazine journalist

  • Member of Parliament

  • Newspaper journalist

  • Police officer

  • Secondary School teacher

  • Social Worker

  • Solicitor

  • Tourist guide

  • TV production runner

  • Welfare rights officer