Curriculum Leader: Ms Beynon
Course Description
Why Study Drama? Drama develops skills and knowledge that are essential to modern life and to the world beyond school. It is difficult to imagine any job that does not involve communication with other people and the study of Drama helps to develop confidence, clarity of thought and self-assurance when dealing with and speaking to others.
The Drama course will provide you with rich opportunities to be creative and to experience inspiration and enjoyment. Creating and presenting are key skills for all learners. Your acting and presenting skills will be developed through participating in scripted and improvised drama. Exploring real and imaginary situations helps you to understand the world you live in and your place in it. You will develop the capacity to assess your knowledge and understanding through the exploration of technical aspects of theatre and scripts as well as being able to constructively evaluate your own work and the work of others.
The technical side of Drama has become increasingly important, as a knowledge and understanding of theatre arts are now a requirement of the course. You can gain experience in lighting and sound techniques as well as set design, costume design, use of props and theatrical hair and make-up design that will prepare you well for undertaking National 4/5 Drama in S4 and Higher, AH Drama in S5/6.
As the emphasis on creativity in the workplace grows and the workforce is increasingly required to be adaptable, resilient and be able to work as both part of a team and independently, studying Drama is a great preparation for the world of work in a wide range of jobs and careers that are not always directly linked to the subject itself.
Possible Careers
Arts administrator
Camera Operator
Costume designer
Drama teacher
Drama therapist
Youth worker
Lighting designer
Media & Journalism
Police Force
Radio presenter
Script writer/editor
Set designer
Sound designer/engineer
Stage Management
Theatre director
Voice coach
Hair and makeup designer
Television production assistant