NPA Level 4
Science Technology
Curriculum Leader: Mrs Fey
Aims of course
The specific aims of the NPA Science and Technology group award are to:
Develop knowledge and understanding of biotechnology and physics.
Develop knowledge and understanding of science and its applications in relation to everyday life.
Prepare learners for progression to qualifications at SCQF level 5 in science and associated STEM areas.
Develop skills in good laboratory practice.
Develop an understanding of science health and safety practices.
Course Content
The course consists of 4 units, one of which is explored in S3:
Biotechnological Industries
Physics: Electricity and Energy
Science practical and investigation skills and
Chemistry in Society (S3)
Outcomes are assessed in class with an end of unit, closed book assessment. This is combined with practical assessments which are undertaken within class time under the supervision of the class teacher. These assessments combined make up 100% of the course award.