National 4/5

Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies


Curriculum Leader: Mr McCreath

Course Description

RMPS is about asking questions and discussing ideas. Religious, moral and philosophical issues are constantly in the news so a major aspect of the subject is exploring current moral and philosophical issues. The subject also helps pupils to find out about world religions and how they affect people’s lives.

RMPS helps to develop clear and logical thinking, debating and discussion, literacy, organisation, problem solving, research and enquiry skills.

In S4 pupils will study the following:

  • World Religion: In S4 we study the world religion of Islam in depth including the key beliefs, values, practices and traditions of Islam and Muslims in today’s society.

  • Morality and Belief: At National 4 and 5 level, our focus for morality and belief is on the unit of Morality, Medicine and the Human Body which explores medical contemporary moral issues such as euthanasia, the use of human embryos, and the right to life and death from religious and non - religious perspectives.

  • Religious and Philosophical Questions: This unit focuses on the philosophical aspects of RMPS by exploring the arguments and debates surrounding questions such as the Existence of God from scientific, religious and philosophical viewpoints.

  • RMPS AVU or Assignment: Pupils will be able to choose a religious, moral or philosophical issue to research and then report what they find out about it.

Possible Careers

  • Advocate

  • Community development worker

  • Volunteer organiser

  • Counselling psychologist

  • Diplomatic service officer

  • Forensic psychologist

  • Local government officer

  • Member of Parliament

  • Procurator fiscal

  • Psychotherapist

  • Secondary School teacher

  • Solicitor

  • Sports and Exercise psychologist

  • Community education coordinator