National 5

Practical Electronics


Curriculum Leader: Ms Sladen

Course Description

Why Choose Electronics?

Electronics impact greatly on our everyday lives.  From our mobile phones to our laptops to our simple calculators, electronic circuits drive them all and they are invaluable in today’s society but how do they work?   How are electronic circuits constructed?  This course provides an insight into the world of electronics.  You will learn how simple electronic circuits work and will have the opportunity to build circuits, developing techniques such as soldering. 


Where Could An Electronics Qualification Lead?

Through an understanding of electronic circuits and their construction opportunities would be opened up in the world of electronic engineering.  The skills and knowledge developed could lead to jobs with companies manufacturing or repairing electronic devices, many or which are located throughout central Scotland.

How Is The Course Organised?

The course is divided into three units. 

Circuit Design:  You will learn how circuits are constructed and how the components work.

Circuit Simulation:  You will use computer packages to simulate circuits, allowing designs to be tested.

Circuit Construction:  Using soldering, you will construct your own circuits.

What kind of things will you be doing?

The course will be taught through a variety of experiences.  There will be many opportunities for practical experience through the construction of circuits from pre-fabricated electronics boards and from individual circuit components.  There will also be opportunities for developing the skills required to test circuits using digital meters.


How will you be assessed?

Assessment will be through a combination of written reports, answers to written questions and teacher observation.  A practical assignment is completed and there is an end of course exam.