Course Level
Course Title
Curriculum Leader: (Curriculum Leader)
Entry Requirements:
Course Content
Both the Higher and National 5 course have the same mandatory units:
Unit 1: Financial Accounting In this unit you will develop skills, knowledge and understanding to prepare, interpret and analyse financial accounting information by using the relevant accounting concepts and techniques.
Unit 2: Management Accounting In this unit you will develop skills, knowledge and understanding of internal accounting information and are able to prepare this using a range of basic accounting techniques. This information will be used by management when making a decision about future planning.
Course Assessment
Pupils will be assessed through a combination of an Accounting paper (exam) and a Accountancy related assignment (project). The question paper will require demonstration of a depth of knowledge, understanding and skills accumulated from across the course. This is worth 67% of the final mark. The accountancy-related assignment involves selecting appropriate data to prepare accounting statements and comparing, analysing and making decisions using a range of complex accounting information. This this is worth 33% of the final mark.
Career Pathways
What can you do with a qualification in Accounting?
• Accountancy
• Business Analyst
• Actuary
• Financial Advisor
• Human Resources
• Economics
• Insurance
• Forensic Accounting
• Auditing
• Banking
• Taxation
• Teaching