National 4/5

Philosophy (Consortia)


Curriculum Leader: None (Consortia)

Course Description

The courses develop reasoning skills by focusing on abstract concepts and philosophical problems. They develop basic knowledge and understanding of philosophy and encourage candidates' ability to engage with abstract thought. They also offer candidates insight into the ideas of others, while developing a range of skills such as analysing arguments, recalling, selecting and using specified knowledge, explaining philosophical ideas and theories, explaining criticisms of philosophical ideas and theories, and presenting ideas in a logical sequence in an extended piece of writing.

The course has three areas of study:

  • Arguments in action develops learners’ ability to analyse and evaluate arguments. Learners develop knowledge and understanding of argument structure, philosophical techniques and errors in reasoning.

  • Knowledge and doubt develops learners’ ability to explain, analyse and evaluate two theories of knowledge.

  • Moral philosophy develops learners’ ability to explain, analyse and evaluate two moral theory

  • The skills, knowledge and understanding developed in the course are:

  • developing knowledge and understanding of argument structure, philosophical fallacies, philosophical techniques, and other factors relevant to evaluating arguments

  • developing knowledge and understanding of key theories of knowledge • developing knowledge and understanding of key moral philosophical theories

  • understanding and explaining the implications and consequences of arguments and theories

  • analysing and evaluating arguments, theories of knowledge and moral theories

  • expressing reasoned views and a coherent line of argument


The assessment for National 5 consists of a question paper (80%) and an assignment (20%), where learners choose and investigate a philosophical question or claim and produce a report based on that investigation.