National 4/5

Music Technology


Curriculum Leader: Ms Beynon

Course Description

Learners who choose to continue studying Music Technology in S4 will build on the skills they have developed in S3. Practical production and recording skills are developed as students work independently on 2 projects of their choosing along with building on their understanding of music and music technology. The 3 areas of the course are:

1. Production Project 1 Students plan, implement and evaluate creative production using music technology. The creative production may be in appropriate contexts, such as live performance, multi-track recording, radio broadcast, composing and sound design for film, audiobooks and computer gaming. The production is accompanied with a portfolio evidencing the student’s work over the planning, implementation and evaluation stages.

2. Production Project 2 Students plan, implement and evaluate creative production using music technology. The creative production may be in appropriate contexts, such as live performance, multi-track recording, radio broadcast, composing and sound design for film, audiobooks and computer gaming. The production is accompanied with a portfolio evidencing the student’s work over the planning, implementation and evaluation stages.

3. Understanding Music Technology Students, through listening, will develop knowledge and understanding of music and music technology, develop skills in the analysis of music in the context of a range of 20th and 21st century musical styles and genres. They will also develop an understanding of aspects of the music industry including basic intellectual property rights.

Possible Careers

  • Producer

  • Composer

  • DJ

  • Musician

  • Sound engineer

  • Broadcasting/film/video

  • Radio producer

  • Event manager

  • Arts administrator

  • Community arts worker

  • Music retailer/publisher

  • Primary/secondary teacher or visiting specialist