National 5
Curriculum Leader: Ms Livingston
Entry Requirements:
Pass at National 4 Mathematics
Course Description
National 5 is designed to build upon and extend students’ mathematical skills in a way that recognises problem solving as an essential skill and enables them to integrate their knowledge of different aspects of the subject. Where appropriate mathematical topics will be developed in context and the use of mathematical techniques will be applied in social and vocational contexts related to future work and study.
This course is also designed to meet the needs of students who wish to progress to Higher Mathematics. Areas of study involve arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry and statistics. Students will be encouraged throughout the course to make use of their skills in mental calculation as well as being able to make efficient use of calculators.
Course Content
This is arranged in three units:
Expressions and Formulae
The course is assessed entirely on the final course exam
External Exams
Paper 1 (Non-calculator) - 1 hour
Paper 2 (Calculator) - 1 hour 30 minutes
Each paper will consist of short and extended response questions.