National 5

Laboratory Skills


Curriculum Leader: Mrs Fey

Entry Requirements:


  • Pass at N4 Biology

  • Pass at N5 Biology

  • Pass at N4 Chemistry

  • Pass at N5 Chemistry

  • Pass at N4 Physics

  • Pass at N5 Physics

Course Description

Lab Science is a Skills for Work course that is structured to provide students with practical and theoretical knowledge of the skills required to work in a laboratory.

The course places emphasis on developing employability skills used in a laboratory.

There is an onus on students to take responsibility for their own learning, supported by the teaching staff. The course is portfolio-based, meaning students must successfully complete a series of practical and written assignments spread across 4 National 5 level units to achieve the qualification.

Candidates must attend class regularly to ensure that practical tasks can be completed, and coursework deadlines are adhered to.

Students will undertake a range of activities:

  • Research

  • practical laboratory skills

  • self- evaluation

  • industrial visits/ visiting speakers.

The four units covered are:

  • Careers using Lab Science

  • Working in a Lab

  • Practical Skills

  • Practical Investigation.