National 4/5

Health and Food Technology


Curriculum Leader: Mrs Bradley

Course Content

This course focuses on health and the nutritional properties of food, as well as raising awareness of a balanced diet and special dietary needs. This course will have a focus on food hygiene as well as developing research techniques and presentation skills.

Food for Health: Students will develop knowledge of health, nutrition, dietary needs and advice, as well as lifestyle choices and their impact on health. Practical skills in food preparation will also develop.

Food product development: Students will focus on the development of new foods and dishes. Examining the food development process including sensory testing.

Contemporary Food Issues: New issues in food development will be examined in detail including: organics, fair trade and seasonality

Possible Careers

You should study this course if you interested in a career based on health, fitness or the food industry. A qualification in Health & Food Technology could lead onto a variety of interesting jobs such as:

  • Nutritionist

  • Dietitian

  • Events Management

  • Sports Science

  • Food critic

  • Food Influencer/Instagram

  • Hospitality industry

  • H.E. Teacher

  • Home economist – TV

  • Food stylist

  • Personal trainer

  • Nursing

  • Childcare

  • Nursery nurse

  • Food journalism