National 4/5

English for Speakers of Other Languages


Curriculum Leader: Ms Allen

Course Content

The ESOL course helps learners for whom English is not their first language to become more confident in all forms of communication in English. The course teaches learners to develop and apply skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening across many different practical situations.

The main focus of ESOL is to help learners to speak and use English for everyday reasons, learning about context, purpose and audience, as well as encouraging individual expression in the language and learning about various topics which broaden learners’ cultural experiences. The course also encourages learners’ developing confidence to engage in more challenging tasks across more varied situations.

The ESOL course also helps learners to use English with more independence, as learners undertake tasks which require research, select and organise their own research materials, and use them to construct original English language texts of their own.

Structure of the National 4 course

ESOL for Everyday Life (National 5/4)

The purpose of this unit is to develop the language skills needed for everyday life in familiar personal, social and transactional contexts. This unit provides learners with the opportunity to develop the skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking, using straightforward English language.

ESOL in Context (National 5/4)

The purpose of this unit is to develop the language skills needed for familiar work and study-related contexts. This unit provides learners with the opportunity to develop the skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking, using straightforward English language. In this unit, the contexts of either work or study will be personalised to meet the needs of learners.

Added Value unit ESOL Assignment (National 4)

The purpose of this Added Value unit is to provide learners with the opportunity to apply their English language skills to investigate and report on a chosen topic. This assignment will allow the learner to demonstrate challenge and application.

Course Assessment

Learners must pass all units. National 4 courses are not graded.

Structure of the National 5 course

Course Assessment

Learners must pass graded assessments in listening, reading, writing, speaking and listening.


Candidates can be presented at either ESOL National 4 or National 5 level in S4. This can be followed by ESOL National 5 and ESOL Higher upon completion of the course.


English language skills are essential for gaining employment in the UK. Having ESOL qualifications will prove to an employer that you have a strong knowledge in written and spoken English, making your chances of employment increase.