NPA Level 4/5
Digital Media Editing
Curriculum Leader: Mr Ferrier
Entry Requirements:
Students electing to study this course should be able to display a clear interest in developing creative skills in image editing, sound design and video editing. No previous experience is necessary. However, some experience of creative IT courses would be useful.
Course Content
Use of digital media has grown tremendously over the last few years to the extent that most households have access to it and nearly all businesses make use of it. There are many career pathways in the digital media industry – animation, interactive media, web-based media to name but a few. The overall aim of the course is for students to develop their knowledge and skills in the acquisition and editing of digital media in a safe and legitimate manner within the context of a specified brief. They gain knowledge of the design process and acquire practical skills in a range of software applications and tools. Students will also cultivate their soft skills such as interviewing and responding to feedback. Employability skills like communication and collaboration will be encouraged as they problem solve and reflect on their practice while progressing towards the production of aesthetically pleasing creations.
Digital Media Still Images Editing:
Students will identify the image requirements of the brief, plan a strategy for the acquisition of the images, report on and justify reasons for their purposed strategy, present the images in a format appropriate to the requirements of the specified brief and evaluate the finished product and their own performance.
Digital Media Audio Editing:
Students will explore the principles that underpin the editing and manipulation of digital sound files, become aware of the various file formats in which digital audio is stored, the sampling rates that determine the quality of recorded sound and compression standards in common use before creating sound in a digital format for use in a specified IT application and evaluating their product and performance.
Digital Media Video Editing:
Students will describe the hardware and software requirements of digital video acquisition, devise a script or storyboard to meet the requirements of a specified brief, plan a strategy for obtaining the digital video material, present the edited narrative in a format appropriate to the specification and evaluate the finished product and their own performance.
As this is a vocational qualification there is no final exam for the award. Students are required to keep an electronic portfolio of work covering the outcomes in each unit. There will also be access to SQA Academy Learning materials.