National 5



Curriculum Leader: Ms Inkster

Course Content

The National 5 Dance course will allow pupils to learn about the origins and history of contemporary, jazz, and hip-hop dance styles whilst also developing their technique in these styles too. Pupils will also deepen their knowledge of each style and develop their evaluative skills to critique their own performance. Pupils will learn about the choreographic process and use their own imagination to express their creativity, conveying thoughts, meanings, and ideas through movement in order to create a piece of choreography which they will teach to other dancers to perform. Throughout the creation of this choreography, pupils will reflect and evaluate on the decisions they are making and will produce a choreographic review. Pupils will undertake a final year exam in which they will demonstrate their evaluative skills, knowledge and understanding of styles of dance and the evaluation of a professional piece of choreography.

The main aims of the course are to enable the learner to:

  • demonstrate and apply knowledge and understanding of dance

  • develop a range of technical dance skills

  • develop performance skills to enhance performance

  • develop knowledge, understanding and appreciation of dance practice

  • understand and apply knowledge of a range of choreographic skills to create a dance

  • evaluate their own work and the work of others

  • work imaginatively and demonstrate creativity

  • co-operate, support and work with others

  • consider how theatre arts can enhance a performance

  • apply the principles of safe dance practice

Career Pathways

  • Choreographer

  • Pilates instructor

  • Personal Trainer

  • Community dance worker

  • Dancewear designer

  • Company Manager

  • Dance instructor

  • Costume designer

  • Dance movement psychotherapist

  • Dance Writer

  • Physiotherapist

  • Choreographer