Level 5/6
Creative thinking award
Curriculum Leader: Ms Beynon
Entry Requirements:
National 5 English
Course Content
Critical and creative thinking has been identified by employers, industry sectors and further education providers as an essential and desirable skill in the next generation of workforce. Portobello is excited to be working collaboration with Daydream Believers to deliver the Creative Thinking course in the next academic year. The qualification has 24 SCQF credits at level 5 & 6. The level 6, which would be an available option in S5 or S6, has also got UCAS tariff points. Level 5 English is a pre-requisite in order to benefit fully from the experiences that this course offers.
The qualification has 5 broad learning outcomes, which are clearly mapped and emphasise process rather than the final outcome, highlighting the importance of the learners journey and encouraging them to reflect on the strategies they have used to think creatively.
Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation, Studio LR, Acrylicize and Edinburgh Napier University have developed a Playlist of resources to support the qualification. Learners are encouraged to think differently, break the rules, fail, collaborate and come up with different and innovative solutions and ideas. This is creative thinking across the curriculum, and we are excited about all the possibilities!
Creative Thinking will feel quite different to other level 5 and 6 qualifications within a school setting as it aims to bridge the gap between school and life after. It is well suited to people wishing to enter into further education or industry sectors that require strong problem-solving skills, such a design or science but it is beneficial to everyone to prepare for our modern and ever changing world.
There is an emphasis on learner autonomy and accountability. Learners undertaking this qualification need to be inquisitive, innovative, research authentically and be prepared to push constantly out of their comfort zone. There is no answer book, so curiosity and creative bravery is essential. They need to be energetic, resilient and be able to embrace and action critical feedback. This is a course the puts real world, project-based learning at the heart of its ethos, it’s aim is to help our young people recognise opportunities for growth and change and how to be an active participant in the world for a positive and sustainable future.
Course Assessment
Projects might include, designing a fully circular clothing brand, reimagining a theme-park to work in harmony with nature or creating a game that promotes an active life. For more information on the course specification visit the following two sites:
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