Level 6
Water Ambassador
Curriculum Leader: Miss Inkster(Curriculum Leader)
Entry Requirements:
No specific entry requirements
Description of Course
Water Ambassadors’ Course Proposal
Course Bundle
- Scottish Swimming Teacher Qualification (SSTQ)
- National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ)
- SQA Leadership Award SCQF Level 6
- Personal Development SCQF Level 6
Course Outline
June 2025 – You will work towards and receive your Scottish Swimming Teacher Qualification (SSTQ). The course will be delivered over scattered 8 days.
August 2025 – You will work towards their NPLQ.
September 2025 – You will be placed on a 6-week block rotation, alternating between lifeguarding and delivering swimming lessons to BGE/cluster primary school classes.
You will also begin to work through your SQA Leadership Award.
Course Outline
At the beginning of the course, you will work to achieve their Scottish Swim Teacher Qualification (STTQ) and your National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ). Once achieved, the class will work together to deliver swimming lessons to our cluster primaries, S1 and S2s. Both qualifications are internationally recognised and therefore, you would be able to utilise these qualifications when applying for part-time/full-time employment or international programs such as Camp America. Alongside this, your will work towards their level 6 SQA Leadership Award, where your will develop their leadership and interpersonal skills through their lesson delivery and organisation of whole school and cluster events.
This course bundle will consist of a combination of ongoing course internal course assessment alongside practical observation assessments.
Course Requirements
Due to the minimum age requirements of our SSTQ and NPLQ, pupils must be entering S6 to be a candidate for this course.
To complete NPLQ training, pupils must be able to swim 25m.