Curriculum Leader: Mr. McCreath
Entry Requirements:
Please speak to Mr McCreath to discuss entry requirements. Nat 5 English is preferable.
Description of Course
Psychology is the study of the human mind and behaviour. The study of Psychology can help us to develop a better understanding of ourselves and others. Higher Psychology develops important skills of critical thinking, evaluation, interpretation and analysis; as well as the practical research skills which are central to the course. These skills are relevant for almost any further study or career.
An understanding of human behaviour helps everyone in the working world. Psychology related work covers a wide area including sports, health, forensic and educational Psychology.
Course Content
Individual Behaviour
Learners will investigate psychological explanations for behaviour, including Sleep and Dreams and Depression, and learn how these topics can be explained, evaluated and analysed using psychological theories and concepts.
Sleep and Dreams examines why we sleep, the purpose of dreams, the stages of sleep and factors affecting sleep.
Depression examines biological causes and treatments for depression and Beck’s cognitive theory.
Social Psychology
Learners will investigate psychological explanations for the topics of Prejudice, and Conformity and Obedience, and will use research evidence to analyse how individuals are influenced by their social environment.
Conformity and Obedience examines types of conformity, factors affecting conformity and factors affecting obedience.
Prejudice examines types of discrimination, explanations of prejudice and ways of reducing prejudice.
The Assignment
The assignment aims to enable learners to understand the research process and research methods used in Psychology. Learners will carry out their own psychological research and write a report.
The final course assessment which determines the grade consists of:
An assignment which is completed over time and sent to SQA to be marked. This is worth 40/120 marks.
An examination, where candidates will answer questions from each section of the course. This is worth 80/120 marks.