
Physical Education


Curriculum Leader: Ms. Inkster

Description of Course

In this course, there will be an emphasis on skills development and the learner’s ability to demonstrate a wide range of complex movement and performance skills in challenging contexts. Learners will also consider the impact of mental, emotional, social and physical (MESP) factors on their performance and will develop an understanding of how to plan for, monitor, record and evaluate these factors in terms of their own personal performance. Learners will engage in practical and theory lessons on a weekly basis.

Course Structure

To gain the award for the Course, the learner must pass both Assessment Units namely 2 x one-off practical performance and a written exam. The candidate will be graded A-D based on the total marks in each Course Assessment Units.



  • 50% of overall grade (A-D)

  • TWO one-off individual performances.

  • Range of activities available to use for Performance.

  • Set performance criteria used to grade Performances INTERNALLY.

  • 30 marks available for EACH performance. • 60 marks out of 110


  • 50% of overall grade (A-D)

  • 2-hour 30min exam – 50 Marks

  • Questions will relate to the MESP factors on performance

Section 1: Questions based on acquired knowledge of MESP (32 marks)

Section 2: Performance Development Process (6 -10 marks)

Section 3: 1 Scenario based question on applied knowledge of MESP (8-12 marks)