


Curriculum Leader: Ms. Beynon

Course Content

The Higher Photography Course uses a series of practical workshops to enable students to develop knowledge and understanding of a range of photography work and practice across different genres and styles, and to develop technical knowledge and skills in using photographic equipment, techniques and processes.

Students will use creative and technical problem-solving skills and will be able to critically reflect on and evaluate their own work and the work of others. The learning experiences in the Course are flexible and adaptable, with opportunities for personalisation and choice. This makes the qualification accessible, as it can be adapted to suit a diverse range of students’ needs and aspirations.

Students are also encouraged to be inspired and challenged by visually representing their personal thoughts and ideas through the medium of photography. Through creating a portfolio of personal photographic work, students will broaden and deepen their creative and technical skills base, gaining the skills required to plan, develop, produce and evaluate imaginative photographs. These skills will be valuable for learning, life and work, and will widen their horizons regarding a range of vocations.

The aims of the Course are for students to:

  • communicate personal thoughts, feelings and ideas using photography

  • develop technical and creative skills in using photographic media, techniques and processes

  • develop knowledge and understanding of a range of photography work and practice

  • develop skills in problem solving, critical thinking and reflective practice

  • become critically self-reflective and self-motivated learners

The Course provides opportunities for vertical and lateral progression to other National Courses, and to other SQA qualifications in Photography and other related subjects.



  • 100 marks (77%)

  • Completed over the course of the year.

  • Section 1: Research and Investigation (20 marks)

  • Section 2: Development and Production (70 marks)

  • Section 3: Evaluation (10 marks)

Question Paper

  • 1 hour

  • 30 marks (23%)

  • Section 1: Multiple choice (10 marks)

  • Section 2: Analysis (20 marks)