Music Performing
Curriculum Leader: Ms. Beynon
The NPA in Music Performing provides progression from existing NQ Courses in Music to further study at National Certificate level and beyond by equipping the learner with specific knowledge, skills and experience related to and in the context of music performing
Working collaboratively
The structure of the NPA in Music Performing comprises a two Unit mandatory and one additional Unit from a choice of four options.
Mandatory Units:
Performing Music on One Instrument or Voice - This is a mandatory unit that provides a single instrument route for candidates who have a particular aptitude or interest in a specific course of study on one musical instrument/voice or playing as part of a band.
Music - Live Performance - Candidates will perform their chosen instrument and programme of music in a live setting to a small audience.
Optional Units - Choose one from four:
Performing on One instrument or Voice
Creative Project
Music - Technical Support
Promotion in the Music Industry
The principal aims of the NPA in Music Performing at SCQF level 6 are to:
Allow candidates opportunities to gain an appropriate learning experience in Music Performing
Develop a range of appropriate practical skills, knowledge and understanding relevant for music practice
Encourage candidates to take charge of their own learning and development
Provide candidates with knowledge and skills which are directly relevant to current and/or future practice in the area of music performance
Provide opportunities for the individual development of skills and aptitudes which will improve career development within the music sector
Develop music performing skills on one or more instruments/voice or as part of a band
Mandatory Units
Performing Music on One Instrument or Voice: Practise, Keep a Log and perform contrasting pieces
Music - Live Performance: Prepare a programme of live music to be performed at a live event, evaluate your own performance.
Optional Units
Creative Project: Plan and produce a creative project
Music - Technical Support: Build, fix and maintain musical instruments and sound equipment. Operate PA system.
Promotion in the Music Industry: Investigate the music industry, plan, produce and promote a music product or service.
Evidence - Written and oral checklist and performance evidence. All aspects are internally assessed on a pass/fail basis.