Curriculum Leader: Ms. Allen
Entry Requirements:
Grades A or B in National 5 English
Grades A, B or C at Higher English
Skills, qualifications or practical experience in Art, Music, Drama, Modern Studies, Digital Media or Computing
Involvement in the Creative Industries Academies programme
No previous knowledge or experience of the subject is required.
However, Media Studies is a demanding crash course, which most students find more challenging than they expected.
Initial presentation levels are not decided until students have had a chance to settle into the course and adjust to the demands of a new subject. The following entry requirements help indicate the level of demand students should expect.
Description of Course
The aim of Media Studies is to develop critical understanding and appreciation of the media and their products, as well as creative and practical skills in media technologies. The skills of media analysis and creation are inextricably linked, and both depend on the key aspects of media literacy.
Skills, knowledge and understanding
Analysing and creating media content, as appropriate to purpose and audience
Knowledge and understanding of the key aspects of media literacy, as appropriate to content
A range of evaluation skills
Knowledge and understanding of the role of media within society
Planning and researching when creating media content
Knowledge of contextual factors, constraints and freedoms that affect producers of media content
Analysing Media Content
Students develop knowledge and understanding of the key aspects of media literacy central to the explanation and analysis of media content.
Creating Media Content
Students develop the skills to create media content and evaluate production processes.
To gain the award, the candidate must achieve all component units as well as the external assessment. There are two components to the external assessment.
An assignment, produced over a period of time, which focuses on planning, creating and evaluating media content, and demonstrates an understanding of production processes. (50%)
A question paper, which focuses on analysing familiar media content. (50%)