


Curriculum Leader: Ms. Livingston

Entry Requirements:

  • Grades A, B or C at National 5 Mathematics

Description of Course

Higher Mathematics aims to build upon and extend students’ Mathematical skills, knowledge and understanding in a way that recognises problem solving as an essential skill and enables them to integrate their knowledge of different aspects of the subject. Students who complete the course successfully are expected to have a competence in applying mathematical techniques, manipulating symbolic expressions and communicating with mathematical correctness in the solution of problems.

This course also has the particular objective of meeting the needs of students at a stage of their education where career aspirations are important. The course has obvious relevance for students with interests in fields such as commerce, engineering and science as well as being used to gain entry to a Higher Education Institution. All students taking the Higher Mathematics course, whatever their aspirations should acquire an enhanced awareness of the importance of mathematics to technology and to society in general.

Course Content

Includes the topics of:

  • Straight line

  • Graphics and Functions

  • Differentiation

  • Recurrence Relations

  • Polynomials & Quadratics

  • Integration

  • Trigonometry

  • Circles

  • Vectors

  • Further Differentiation & Integration

  • Logarithmic & Exponential Functions

  • Trigonometric Relationships


The course is assessed entirely on the final course exam.

External Exams

  • Paper 1 (Non-calculator) - 1 hour 15 minutes

  • Paper 2 (Calculator) - 1 hour 30 minutes

Each paper will consist of short and extended response questions.