NPA Level 6
Curriculum Leader: Mrs. Allen
Entry Requirements:
Students electing to study this course should be able to display a clear interest in print journalism. The minimum entrance requirement is a pass at National 5 English. The course is likely to be of interest to students who have enjoyed Higher English, but don’t want to progress to Advanced Higher.
The Journalism (SCQF Level 6) NPA covers a range of aspects of modern journalism. At its heart is the journalistic activity of research and writing, but there is also opportunity to develop content in page layout, photography and website design. This qualification also offers an ideal base for the development of a wide range of Core Skills, especially in communication, information technology, problem solving and working with others.
Course Details
Candidates will study a range of media and journalistic outputs before undertaking a research and production project. The main aims of the course are:
To provide a progression route into further study in journalism
To develop specific competencies in research, interview skills and feature writing
To allow the development of skills in a range of journalistic related disciplines including newswriting, page layout and design, website development and photography
To familiarise students with the range of job roles and functions within media industries
To develop creativity, employability and transferrable skills through engagement with creative production activity
Units studied will include:
Research and interview skills for journalism
Feature writing
Basic website development
As this is a vocational qualification there is no final exam for the award. Assessments will take place at appropriate points throughout the course and are likely to include:
An article produced from interview transcripts
A feature article on an issue
A news-based website with a focus on local issues
A journalistic blog incorporating text and photography in response to a brief
National Progression Award (NPA)
Students successfully completing four units will be awarded the National Progression Award Journalism. The level of award will depend upon the quality of the portfolio submitted, the depth of learning demonstrated and how closely the student’s work relates to the assessment criteria at each level.