


Curriculum Leader: Mr. McCulloch

Entry Requirements:

  • Higher pass with grades A, B or C in Higher French or Spanish

Description of Course

This is a course aimed at ‘crash’ Highers, ie. students who have no or little knowledge of the subject. The course will start with beginners’ level activities for the first couple of months to establish a base knowledge of vocabulary and grammatical understanding.

This Italian course would be particularly suitable for students who have previously studied French or Spanish at Higher and who would like to learn a new language.

The Higher course will allow pupils to develop their skills in understanding and using Italian. Pupils will study across a range of different topics to build their knowledge and understanding of Italian. Topic will include family relationships; healthy living; new technologies; film and music; sport and leisure; school life; employability; and future plans.

The ability to speak another language is a real advantage in the world of work. Studies have shown that those who study languages are considered by employers to have excellent communication skills.

Speaking a foreign language also increases your opportunities of finding work both in the UK and abroad and those who speak a foreign language can often attract a better salary than those who speak only English.

The aim of the course is to equip students with the language skills which will enable them to:

  • Understand detailed spoken and written Italian

  • Communicate well and confidently in Italian

  • Gain an appreciation for Italian culture

  • Develop self-confidence and social skills

Course Content

At Higher level, students study work across four contexts:

  • Society

  • Learning

  • Employability

  • Culture


To achieve the course award in Higher, candidates must successfully complete pass the final course examination.

External final course exam in the skills of:

  • Reading (25%)

  • Listening (25%)

  • Writing (25%)

  • Talking (25%).