


Curriculum Leader: Mr. McCreath

Entry Requirements:

  • Grades A, B or C at National 5 History

  • Grades A, B or C at Higher in Geography, Modern Studies or RMPS

  • Grades A, B or C at National 5 in Geography, Modern Studies or RMPS (in consultation with the Curriculum Leader of Social Studies)

Description of Course

Higher History gives learners an understanding of the historical background to modern society and many of the issues we face today. The themes of democracy, dictatorship, conflict and social welfare run through the course.

Employers, Universities and Colleges are often looking for the skills you will develop through studying History e.g. the ability to analyse information and think critically, the skills of evaluation, analysis and debate, including the ability to express and sustain logical and coherent arguments on a wide variety of issues.

History can link to careers in journalism and the media, law, politics and the civil service, scientific research, the entertainment industry, leisure, heritage and tourist industries, teaching and many others.

Course Content

The Higher History course consists of three units, with one topic studied in each unit:

Scottish History

The Wars of Independence, 1249-1328, including events involving the succession crisis, King John Balliol, William Wallace and Robert Bruce.

British History

Britain 1851-1951, including government reforms to help the poor and the welfare state, and women’s campaign for the vote.

European and World History

Germany 1815-1939, including the unification of Germany, the rise of the Nazis and the development of the Nazi state, including a study of Nazi social policy.


The overall grade for Higher History is based on a final exam and an Assignment.

  • The final exam has two papers, lasting 1 hour 30 minutes each. In paper 1, candidates write two essay answers. In paper 2, candidates answer 4 source questions. The exam is worth 80 marks.

  • An Assignment, worth 30 marks, on a topic of choice. Learners research and draft a response and then write this up in 1 hour 30 minutes.