
Exercise & Fitness


Curriculum Leader: (Curriculum Leader)

Entry Requirements:

  • Students should have a C pass at National 5 PE or a Pass in Sport and Recreation.

  • Due to the high level of anatomy and physiology on the course a N5 Biology award would be advantageous.

Course Description

The course is a step up from the Skills for Work Sport and Recreation course and is designed to allow students the opportunity to develop knowledge and understanding of how the body works during exercise.

A significant aspect of the course will be developing the candidate’s ability to lead sessions in a variety of fit- ness locations and situations.

The course consists of three mandatory units.

The units are:

  • Exercise and Fitness – Cardiovascular Fitness (Higher)

  • Exercise and Fitness – Fixed Weight Training (Higher)

  • Exercise and Fitness – Free Weight Training (Higher)

Assessment Details

All assessment is internally marked and achieved through a variety of means. Examples of the methods of assessment are closed book assessments, open book assessments, written essays, observations, etc.