Design & Manufacture
Curriculum Leader: Mr Ferrier
Entry Requirements
A or B at National 5 Design and Manufacture
Pass at Higher/N5 Graphic Communication
Progression through Design and Manufacture
This Course or its component units may provide progression in the following way:
exit to Further or Higher Education courses in design, manufacturing or related subjects
exit to Further or Higher Education courses
Course Description
Pupils undertaking Higher Design and Manufacture will gain a deeper insight to the processes of design and manufacture, explore strategies adopted in commercial product design processes and appraise the role design plays in everyday life.
They will be in a strong position to pursue further study in all areas of design and manufacturing. The course will also contribute to personal development, including transferable life skills for use beyond school achievement regardless of the career path followed.
Skills Developed The aims of the Course are to develop:
skills in design and in refining design proposals
practical skills in the planning and development of models and prototypes
skills in evaluation and research
knowledge and understanding of manufacturing processes and materials
an understanding of the impact of design and manufacturing technologies
Exam Paper - 2 hours, 15 minutes, 80 marks, externally assessed
Assignment Task - 90 marks, externally assessed
Passing the course equates to one level 6 qualification (24 SCQF credit points.)
Related Careers
Possible career routes for pupils include:
Product designer (e.g. electronics, automotives, communications)
Interior designer
Manufacturing apprenticeships
Design engineering
Quantity surveying
Industrial design.