Curriculum Leader: Mrs Fey
Entry Requirements:
Grades A, B or C at National 5 Biology
Grades A, B or C at Higher Chemistry and /or Physics
Course Content
DNA and the Genome
In this unit, students will develop knowledge through study of DNA and the genome. The unit covers the key areas of: structure of DNA; replication of DNA; control of gene expression; cellular differentiation; the structure of the genome; mutations; evolution; genomic sequencing. This unit explores the molecular basis of evolution and biodiversity, while the unity of life is emphasised in the study of gene expression. An understanding of gene expression, at the cellular level, leads to the study of differentiation in organisms. In addition, the unit covers the evolution and structure of the genome and genomics, including personal genomics.
Metabolism and Survival
In this unit, students will develop knowledge by investigating the central metabolic pathways of ATP synthesis by respiration and how control of the pathways is essential to cell survival. The unit covers the key areas of metabolic pathways and their control; cellular respiration; metabolic rate; metabolism in conformers and regulators; metabolism and adverse conditions; environmental control of metabolism; genetic control of metabolism; ethical considerations in use of microorganisms, hazards and control of risks. In whole organisms, it considers adaptations for the maintenance of metabolism for survival. In addition, it examines the importance of the manipulation of metabolism in microorganisms, both in the laboratory and in industry, including ethical considerations.
Sustainability and Interdependence
In this unit, students will develop knowledge by investigating how humans depend on sufficient and sustainable food production from a narrow range of crop and livestock species, focusing on photosynthesis in plants. The unit covers the key areas of food supply, plant growth and productivity; plant and animal breeding; crop protection; animal welfare; symbiosis; social behaviour; mass extinction and biodiversity. The importance of plant productivity and the manipulation of genetic diversity to maintain food security are emphasised. The unit also covers interrelationships and dependence, through symbiosis and social behaviour. By studying biodiversity, the unit attempts to measure, catalogue, understand and address the human impact, including mass extinction.
Students will apply skills of scientific inquiry, using related knowledge, to carry out a meaningful and appropriately challenging task in biology and communicate findings.
• Internal written assessments at the end of each unit.
• Internal assessment of practical skills within each unit.
• A practical/research assignment. • External examination at the end of the course.
Career Paths
All these jobs require some level of Biology knowledge:
• Biochemistry
• Biological Sciences Immunology
• Biomedical Sciences
• Microbiology
• Pharmacology
• Biology Teacher
• Speech & Language Pathology
• energy and power provision
• environmental consultancy
• research and development
• scientific publishing