Achieving Excellence in Sport (Football)
Link to Youtube Video
Curriculum Leader: Mrs Inkster
What will I learn?
The NPA in Achieving Excellence in Sport will allow candidates to focus on their own performance to learn about the process of setting targets (short and long term), planning their own work (with support) and to evaluate what actually is ‘excellence’ and then to articulate in the future with other HN awards. The will aim to:
Develop the candidate’s personal ambitions for their own performance enhancement
Develop the candidate’s knowledge and skills in the process of the achievement of excellence.
Develop knowledge and skills in Target setting, personal career management planning, implementing and evaluating the process over a period of time.
Enhance the candidate’s prospects for their continuing education in the industry or outside it by the development of transferable skills
Enable progression within the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) and allow candidates to progress to another level of education, if so desired.
Further develop study skills and skills in investigating aspects of the industry which are specific to their interests, personal abilities and needs.
Offer opportunities to develop core skills in a setting relevant to the industry.
Allow candidates to acquire some of the basic skills and knowledge required by the industry.