


Curriculum Leader: Mr Ferrier

Entry Requirements:

  • Grades A, B or C at National 5 Accounting or Grades A, B or C at Higher Mathematics

    *The department welcomes students who have no prior experience of the subject but would like to attempt the Higher course in one year. Please contact the Curriculum Leader of Technologies to discuss further.*

Course Content

The Higher course has 2 mandatory units:

Unit 1: Financial Accounting

In this unit you will develop skills, knowledge and understanding to prepare, interpret and analyse financial accounting information by using the relevant accounting concepts and techniques.

Unit 2: Management Accounting

In this unit you will develop skills, knowledge and understanding of internal accounting information and are able to prepare this using a range of basic accounting techniques. This information will be used by management when making a decision about future planning.

Course Assessment

Pupils will be assessed through a combination of an Accounting paper (exam) and a Accountancy related assignment (project). The question paper will require demonstration of a depth of knowledge, understanding and skills accumulated from across the course. This is worth 67% of the final mark. The accountancy-related assignment involves selecting appropriate data to prepare accounting statements and comparing, analysing and making decisions using a range of complex accounting information. This this is worth 33% of the final mark.

Career Pathways

What can you do with a qualification in Accounting?

• Accountancy

• Business Analyst

• Actuary

• Financial Advisor

• Human Resources

• Economics

• Insurance

• Forensic Accounting

• Auditing

• Banking

• Taxation

• Teaching