Advanced Higher



Curriculum Leader: Mrs. Fey

Entry Requirements:

  • Grades A, B or C in Higher Physics and Grades A, B or C in Higher Mathematics

Course Content

Check out these YASS Courses:

  • Maths for Science

  • Physics and Space

  • galaxies Stars and Planets

Rotational Motion and Astrophysics

This unit develops knowledge and understanding and skills in physics related to rotational motion and astrophysics. It provides opportunities to develop and apply concepts and principles in a wide variety of situations involving angular motion. An astronomical perspective is developed through a study of gravitation, leading to work on general relativity and stellar physics.

Quanta and Waves

This unit develops knowledge and understanding and skills in physics related to quanta and waves. Non-classical physics and the origin and composition of cosmic radiation is considered. Simple harmonic motion is introduced and understanding of wave theory is developed.


This unit develops knowledge and understanding and skills in physics related to electromagnetism and provides opportunities to develop and apply concepts and principles in this area, Knowledge and Understanding of electric and magnetic fields and capacitors/inductors used in d.c. and a.c. circuits is developed.

Investigating Physics

In this unit learners will develop key investigative skills. It offers opportunities for independent learning set within the context of experimental physics and learners will identify, research, plan and carry out a physics investigation of their choice.


Learners will apply skills of scientific inquiry, using related knowledge, to carry out a meaningful and appropriately challenging task in physics and communicate findings.


  • Internal written assessments of each unit and internal assessment of practical skills within each unit.

  • A practical/research project.

  • External examination at the end of the course.